Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project

Arrowsmith Central

The Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, VRX Silica’s second project, is located just 30km from the Arrowsmith North Project, and is broadly similar in its grade purity and access to road and rail. The project is immediately adjacent to the Eneabba-Geraldton rail line and bulk export products from Geraldton.

Arrowsmith Central has a Total Mineral Resource of 76.5 MT at 96.6% SiO2, and a Total Ore Reserve of 18.9 MT at 99.6% SiO2. Like Arrowsmith North, Arrowsmith Central will be a 2Mtpa operation with a low CapEx of about $40m. The project is expected to generate more than $2.1bn in revenue over an initial 25-year mine life.

The Resource at Arrowsmith Central constitutes a small portion of the tenement area, selected for initial mining studies. The Company believes this Resource can be substantially increased with further aircore drilling over an increased area in the future.

Permitting at Arrowsmith Central has commenced and is in progress. The company has submitted the Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) to the EPA which details the environmental studies required to allow the assessment of the project. Approval of the ESD will provide the company with an indicative timetable for final environmental approvals.

Image 1:  Exploration licences and mining areas at Arrowsmith North and Arrowsmith Central

The Mineral Resource announcement for Arrowsmith North, including JORC Table 1 information, can be found here.

Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

Mineral Resources

Ore Reserves

The Mineral Resource announcement for Arrowsmith Central, including JORC Table 1 information, can be found here

Image 2: Critical infrastructure and mining areas surveyed at Arrowsmith North and Arrowsmith Central.

Arrowsmith Silica Sand Projects Muchea Silica Project Boyatup Project
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