You can access all documents relating to the Arrowsmith North ERD via the links below:
Phytophthora Dieback occurrence assessment (Glevan, 2021)
Phytophthroa Dieback Occurance Assessment of Arrowsmith North (Glevan, 2020)
Phytophthroa Dieback Occurance Assessment of Arrowsmith North Access (Glevan, 2021)
Dieback Management Plan (Preston Consulting, 2022d)
Fauna Management Plan (Preston Consulting, 2022c)
Fauna Assessment of Arrowsmith North (Bamford Consulting Ecologists (BCE, 2022)
Arrowsmith North Project SRE Invertebrate Survey (Bennelongia, 2021b)
Groundwater Operating Strategy (Water Direct, 2022)
Transcript: Pers. Comm. Barry Dodd, 2021
BCE Foraging Value After VDT (BCE, 2020)
Surface Water Report (RPS, 2020)
Hydrogeological Feasibility Assessment (HydroConcept, 2019)
Acid base accounting analysis (MWM, 2020)
H3 Hydrogeological Assessment (Water Direct, 2022)
Archaeological and ethnographic Heritage Survey over Arrowsmith North (YMAC, 2018)
Final archaeological and ethnorgraphic Heritage survey over Arrowsmith North (YMAC, 2020)
Assessment of Aboriginal Heritage Values and Traditional Uses (Horizon Heritage, 2021)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment (KBPL, 2021)
Offset Strategy (Preston Consulting, 2022e)
Air Emissions Desktop Assessment (ETA, 2021)
WA Offsets Calculator (DWER, 2021b)
Iluka VDT Trial (Mattiske, 2019a)
Environmental Datasheet (SNF Floerger, n.d.)
VRX Rehabilitation Strategy (Preston Consulting, 2022a)
Significant Flora Management Plan December (Preston Consulting 2022b)
Flora and Vegetation Assessment of Arrowsmith North Survey Area (Mattiske, 2022a)
Paracaleana dixonii Search Arrowsmith North Project – Initial Mine and Plant Area (BMCB, 2023)
Review of roots and VDT (Mattiske, 2020a)